28 June 2008

Just Two Things Tag

My friend, Lori, sent this to me via email and I decided to post my responses.

Two names you go by:
1. Mom
2. Sweetheart

Two things you're wearing now:
1. Jeans
2. Red shirt

Two things you would want [or have] in a relationship:
1. Trust
2. Compassion

Two of your favorite things to do:
1. Write
2. Have family fun time

Two things you want very badly at the moment:
1. A meaningful new job
2. A trip to Nauvoo

Two things you did yesterday:
1. Went out to dinner
2. Watched a movie

Two things you ate yesterday:
1. Mu Shu Pork
2. Cheerios and milk

Two people you last talked to:
1. Sarah (if IM counts)
2. Hubby

Two things you're doing tomorrow
1. Going to church
2. Taking a nap

Two favorite holidays:
1. Thanksgiving
2. New Year's

Two favorite beverages:
1. Ice water with lemon
2. Homemade root beer

Two people no longer alive that you'd like to talk to:
1. Lily
2. Grandma Herman

If you read all of the above, please consider yourself tagged and leave me a note. (No cheating -- if you read, please play along by posting your own.)


Christi said...

I guess I'm supposed to tell you I read it? Uhh.. what tracking software do you use?

Mom of 5 Gents said...

LOL -- Maybe that sounds more cryptic than I intended. I left you a note on your "Just Two Things Tag". :)

Just to clarify, you leave me a note to tell me you read it, know you're tagged, and are posting your own responses. You pass...Dexter's Girl is no cheater (as if there was ever any doubt).

Theresa said...

I didn't cheat, I posted on my own site. I hope that you are having a wonderful Sunday!

Mom of 5 Gents said...

I knew my SIL wouldn't cheat either. Thanks for playing along. :)

Frisbies Forever said...

I posted. It's been a long week.

the freestone6 said...

ok I did it too I felt bad just reading it.Fun

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!