15 July 2008

Floating or Sinking?

Last night, it was Camo's turn to give the Family Home Evening lesson. I love it when Camo teaches us because he always has an object lesson. I tend to find my object lessons on the internet, but he always comes up with his own.

Last night, he showed us a toy army boat and a rock. He talked about the difference between a rock and a boat in the water. The rock sinks right to the bottom, but the boat floats in the water and you can go where you want. Camo then explained that every day we make choices and each choice either helps us to float like the boat, moving closer to Heavenly Father, or sink like the rock going down toward the devil.


Theresa said...

Not sure if Uncle Army Guy would leave a comment...actually I do know that he would swear that he doesn't know how maybe...anyway he loved Camo's analogy. I love it too. He is a very smart little guy.
Hugs to everyone!

Frisbies Forever said...

What a great analogy! I love the stuff kids come up with. Some things just make so much sense after they explain it. Then you are like, What? I never thought of that? Why didn't I think of that? Another useful tool to add to our collection!

Krista said...

Camo has always held a special place in my heart. He is a wonderful little spirit! You are a lucky mom!

Mike & Mandy said...

I look forward to FHE's like this. With Isaac being so small, sometimes it feels like he isn't getting much out of it. I know he will as he grows. This post reminds me of that. Thank you!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!