10 July 2008

My Lucky Day?

"Never let anyone tell you no
who doesn't have the power to say yes."
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Today is the big day. I have an interview for a grant writer position that I really want. I'm excited and nervous all at once.

I earned my degrees, now I want the job!

"Don't just stand there, make it happen."
~ Lee Iacocca


Mike & Mandy said...

Good luck! I can't wait to hear how it goes! I am sure you will do great!

meghan said...

Good Luck..I hope everything goes well. I know you said you were excited about it. You will have to post when you find out anything!

Krista said...

I am so happy and nervous for you. I know you have worked so hard for this. You are in my prayers!

Frisbies Forever said...

You are in our prayers. I can't wait to hear the verdict. It will all work out how it needs to.

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!