04 August 2008

I Love Primary!

"There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread."
~ Mother Teresa

I read this quote this morning and immediately thought of all the people who serve with me in Primary. We are so lucky to have talented and dedicated people who teach the children every Sunday, and for our wonderful substitutes as well. (Charity and Susanne really came to the rescue yesterday, taking on a class of 16 children! And the brave soul who agreed to take care of music for the next couple of weeks.) I know I don't thank them nearly enough for the time, love, and attention they pour into their callings, making Primary such a wonderful place to be.

I have been lucky to be in Primary with these children ranging from the ages of 3-12, including my own. It is fun to see them grow and learn. It is exciting to watch them make the connection between learning the gospel and really living it. It's wonderful to listen to them as they understand more about the gospel...and even the funny things that they say which are simple and profound all at the same time. A couple of weeks ago, Billy raised his hand to indicate he had an announcement to share with everyone. He said, "Jesus love us." Indeed, he is right.

I'm also lucky to have the association of the other leaders and teachers who serve our children. They have taught me a great deal over the past few years. They have become such good friends. Thank you to each of them for the blessings they have been in my life, and in the lives of all the little ones. Primary is grand!


Hartson family said...

What a coincidence, I LOVE PRIMARY too! It is so wonderful to be with the little children and hear their funny thoughts. They truly are heaven-sent. Thanks for all of your help with Ian yesterday and with Billy every Sunday- I'm sure there are days when he is a challenge (but a joy).

Naomi said...

Watch out! Now that you have openly declared your love of primary you are going to get released!! That always happens when we enjoy our callings! :)

Mom of 5 Gents said...

I wonder if you knew what you were getting into when you posted that comment, Naomi. I already knew I was being released. Did you know yet that you were being called? :)

Krista said...

I always knew that I would miss primary, but reading this made me realize I am missing so much more than I realize ! =(

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!