08 September 2008

Happy Birthday, Mustang Man!

My hubby celebrated a birthday yesterday. He is in denial about what number birthday it was, which may have something to do with his insistence that there be no more candles on his birthday cakes. It was his day, so we played along.

Next year may be more exciting, considering he'll be marking off another decade.


Krista said...

Sept has so manny birthdays! Hope he had a wonderful day!

Pirate Princess said...

Oh goodness! His birthday is so close to my Redbeards! Are they the same age as well (44 - 5)?

Tell him Happy Birthday!

Mom of 5 Gents said...

You guessed correctly, Texasblu. :)

Happy birthday to your hubby too!

Frisbies Forever said...

Happy Birthday! Hope you're feeling better!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!