06 December 2008

Cutting It Close

Tomorrow M will be 18 years old and he finished up his Eagle Scout project just in time. We were extremely nervous that the wheels he needed to complete his project (a timpani stand for his high school band) weren't going to get here in time. Thankfully, FedEx delivered the package this morning and all of the work is finally complete! (There are many requirements for obtaining this award, one of them being that the deadline to complete the project is the boy's 18th birthday.)

All of the work is done, the signatures completed, and the paperwork turned in. He has many great stories to tell about this whole adventure, including the frustration of trying to turn in his paperwork. The original binder he put together with all of the project information and pictures wouldn't fit into the drop slot at the scout office, so he had to run and get a smaller binder in order to turn in the paperwork tonight.

His next hurdle will be the final board of review. But, I'm glad that he finished his project. It was so close that it would have been painful to watch him not make the deadline.


Anonymous said...

M. Congratulations on finishing Your Eagle Project From Uncle Todd

Krista said...

Wow...I can't believe how fast kids grow up. He is no longer a YM..he is a full blown adult. And judging by how much work he put into the Eagle scout award....you know he will be a great adult!Great job!

Mandy said...

What an accomplishment! I am always so impressed with the YM who complete their Eagle. I have NO experience with anything Scout related! Poor Isaac! :)

Frisbies Forever said...

Holy Cow! Give that boy a hug for me! I am so proud of him!

Pirate Princess said...

I've given you an award on my blog! :)

Did I not comment on this? I thought I did. I'm looking at doing the same with Venus, who is leaving Primary in Jan. Oh why do we wait???

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!