17 February 2009

An Eagle Among Us

He did it! M went to the final board of review and is officially an Eagle Scout as of tonight. He was so nervous going in and even more so during those looooooong minutes while they deliberated. That gave him plenty of time to reflect on the fun memories in scouting over the last 12 years.

And then they called him back into the room to tell him he had passed. Congrats, M! We knew you would do it!

Many, many thanks to all of his wonderful leaders that have led and supported him along the way!


meghan said...

Congratulations M! What a big accomplishment!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations "M" what an awesome mile marker in your life.

Uncle Todd.

Theresa said...

Huge Congratulations M!
Hugs from all of us girls!

Mandy said...

That is SO wonderful! Matt was just called as a leader in Boy Scouts this week (in Indiana of course :). I hope everything is going well for your entire family!

Krista said...

Yay M!!!! And yay to mom and dad for having such a good young man!

Piepee said...

Congratulations to M, that's such a wonderful accomplishment!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!

If you think my hands are full, you should see my heart!